Emiko Agatsuma
我妻 恵美子
Butoh Dancer, Choreographer and Director
- 石神井公園定期的に開催する対面での舞踏ワークショップです。初心者歓迎。ダンスや表現、運動の経験が無くても問題ありません。どなたでもご参加頂けます。講師:我妻恵美子 In person Butoh Workshop for all levels by Butoh dancers, Emiko Agatusma
- Meguro City【AGAXART 舞踏ワークショップ@蟠龍寺】 初心者歓迎!東京・目黒の蟠龍寺で、舞踏の基本から感情・空間を使った表現まで学べる特別なワークショップを開催。我妻恵美子&塩谷智司による実践型レッスン! 3つのセッションを通じて、心と身体を解放し、新しい身体表現を体験しませんか?都会の喧騒を離れ、静寂の中で舞踏を深く探求できる貴重な機会です。今すぐ予約受付中! [AGAXART Butoh Workshop @ Banryuji] Join a special Butoh workshop at Banryuji Temple in Meguro, Tokyo! Open to beginner
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Media appearances
Artist Statement
My hometown was hard hit by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. I was struck by a strong sense of despondency, but I noticed the regenerative power that grows gradually by helping each other. I didn't speak so much when I went there as a volunteer, but I strongly felt their emotion (sadness, anger, regret, loneliness, hopelessness, hope, etc.) that is not to be talked about.
Since then, my working process has changed. I started thinking body experience is more important than knowledge. I want to explore primitive movements in our body that are before languages.
In 1999, I met Butoh and was shocked by the method "invites an image into an empty body and the body is moved by it ". Butoh, born in the 1960s, was driven by a sense of inferiority toward Western culture and doubts about existing values, and succeeded in creating a new expression by looking at Japanese culture. I include the meaning of "erase personal limitation" in the white makeup, moreover, expand the possibility by eliminating the ego.
By being an empty body, I can dance like a baby who doesn't have any language and prejudice.